I’ve got the Power

I had power for a long time, in fact earlier than a roof or windows. But a requirement for fiber internet is a power outlet outside, to feed the router they will install at the end of the conduit.

I will probably glue the conduit pipes together tomorrow. Today I took a 26 miles bike ride to Wimberley to get a pulling line and lubricant, so the fiber cable can be pulled through the conduit pipe. I did not want to take my truck there as I like the ride and last time I drove my not yet passed inspection truck to Wimberley, I got pulled over by two not too friendly cops. I don’t want to risk running into them again.

Apart from flat tires, the bike (that I bought two and a half years ago) was in pretty good condition; all it took was some vegetable oil to lubricate the brake lines.

Vegetable oil turns out to have many purposes besides cooking; I also used it to fix the hood of my truck not popping open when the lever was pulled.

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