Category Archives: News

I’ve got the power!

No, not the Snap! song from 1990, but actual temporary power coming from the power pole on the lot 🙂
This is a shot showing the power line that runs from my pole to the one on the street.
























In a closed box (opened on this picture) there are 4 sockets waiting for appliances.


Ready for the next wash-out


This week the driveway has been secured by adding concrete to the entry and exit points of all culvert pipes.
To the left are the two pipes that hopefully now take the water under the driveway rather than taking the base away.


























From above this barrier should guide the water into the pipes.



































On the roadside the big culvert pipe is now set in concrete on both ends.
This should be 100% rain proof.




Pier and Beam foundation

Last week the work finally started on the foundation.
There will be 23 concrete piers, that will be connected with concrete beams, hence the name Pier and Beam foundation.
The logs are now on the lot also; behind the red pick-up.














The red lines show the height at which the foundation will be. As the cabin will be built on a slope,
there is a good 5 feet difference between the back and the front.














As you can see above, the back of the cabin will line up with the big oak trees, and as that is facing south,
the shade should help keep the cabin a bit cooler in the summer.

It’s a cover up

It’s official; it’s a cover up. That is to say that the septic installation is covered up leaving just the power connection and 3 stages lids visible.

Not sure if the white thingy in the picture below is a spray head or an air outlet, but we will see.

20151214_132649The contractor informed me that it got inspected and approved also, so I should be good to go. Literally… 😉 

See the little pinkish puck on the picture below? That’s one of the spray heads, that during the night, after purification, spray the excess water onto the land. 


I’m not sceptic, I’m a septic


Please allow me to introduce myself; I’m septic not to be confused with sceptic,
although with the amount of time has made me a little sceptic.
Comal county clerks were giving me a hard time and demanded some changes to the original septic design.
septicBut after many many many months, finally some construction action; today the septic tank is going in.
This water purification factory has three stages of filtering, from crap in to almost drinkable water out,
although I would not want to drink it myself 😉

After the flood

Drought has been a big issue in Texas for many year. But not so much lately; since I purchased the lot there have been two once in a 100 years rains,
that had a devastating effect. The first one washed away hundreds of houses along the nearby river and even took 6 lives in Wimberley.
A few weeks ago, a second flash flood hit the area, and this one had less dramatic consequences, but very noticeable on my lot;


The above picture shows the driveway before the flood. Notice the two culvert pipes sticking out to the left of the car.

This is a picture taken yesterday. the base covering the culvert pipes has washed away completely, leaving the exposed pipes.


Luckily the Culvert pipe down at the roadside did do it’s work; there no base was lost.



Although it was planned and requested to have concrete on both sides of both culvert points, to guide the water into the pipes and protect the base,
this sadly never happened. I did ask. Many times even. But the guy doing the driveway has gone of the radar. possible because he noticed the rain had already washed away much base… It’s not easy managing things remotely.